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Requirements and Installation
Game Description

How to Register
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Requirements and Installation
Memory: 500k available RAM is necessary to install and run the game.
Installation: The HIRES version of Little Palm Pet requires OS 5.0 or later. Simply install the file called LPP_HIRES as you normally would. If you have a device with Palm OS 3.5 or later, install the file called LPP_LORES.
To install simply remove the "Little Palm Pet.prc" file from the zip, and double-click it, or drag it to your desktop software.
Game Description            
Welcome to Little Palm Pet!
There are 5 main things to know about caring for your pet and keeping him alive:
  1   You can FEED your pet by clicking his food bowl. Don't let him starve!      
    You can COMB your pet by dragging the comb over him. This makes him happy and he knows that you like what he is doing! It will also make him happy about things he recently did.   2    
  3   You can HIT your pet by tapping him.
This makes him afraid and unhappy and he knows you do NOT like what he was doing.
If your pet gets sick, give him MEDS by dragging the needle to him.
He must be out of his house to receive meds! Meds take time to work so don't overdo it. Sometimes more than one dose is needed, but only after a while.
5 You should CLEAN up your pets mess by clicking where he goes to the bathroom.
If you let it get too messy he will get upset.
  With some care and attention your pet will live a long time and be happy. He will learn from you and as he gets older his behavior will change.
If your pet lives to old age, and dies happy, he may choose to come back and live with you again. When this happens a RESURRECT button will appear on the DEATH screen.
If you are lucky enough to have a pet who wants to come back, he will be resurrected with a NEW LOOK but the SAME MIND. Most importantly though you will be able to IMPROVE SOMETHING about him permanently.
If you have to go on vacation, or will not be able to care for you pet for a while, you can STABLE him (in the PREFERENCES menu). The pet will continue to age, but will be cared for.
Some additional tips:

Every pet is different. Some pets may not like all the toys. You can encourage him by putting the toy near him for a while, then combing him. Repeat as necessary.
Scared pets like to hide and stay in their house.
If your pet won't come out, and needs meds or food, you can try tapping on him. When he is in the house, tapping on him does not hit him -- instead it knocks on his house.
If he still won't come out, exit the program for a while and try later...maybe you can catch him off guard and give him some tender loving care.
If your pet seems lethargic but you treat him well, keep in mind that older pets are more slow and like to rest more.
If you stable your pet for an extended vacation, don't be surprised if you get him back and he is very old and dies soon.
Some toy bins appear to be empty. These toys are "locked". You will have to discover how to unlock them.
If your pet is doing something that seems to be a bug, try exiting and restarting the program, and feel free to tell us about it...we hate bugs.

Have fun and be nice to your LITTLE PALM PET!
How to Register

You can download the trial version for free: this will allow you to play with a limited number of features until you decide if you want to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy it just visit our purchase section
When you register, you will receive a registration code based on your HotsyncID (the name you have assigned to your Palm OS device). This code has to be entered in the register page of the game and it will unlock all the shop items that are necessary to proceed in the game. You will then be eligible for support and enhancements.
Thanks for trying Little Palm Pet, and Enjoy!

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Tech/support issues:          
Created By: Arthur K. Humphrey
Producer: Carla T. Humphrey
Programming: Arthur K. Humphrey
Legal Disclaimer
This product is provided without warranty and the user accepts full responsibility for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.








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