2006 |
July 14 , 2006 |
Last Day of Work inhabits your computer with Virtual Villagers |
SAN FRANCISCO,CA – July 14, 2006 – How will you lead your tribe? Last Day of Work is introducing “Virtual Villagers”, a casual downloadable game for Windows and Macintosh computers that simulates a small village and allows the player to manage and guide the villagers as they live, work, mate and grow. [Read full press release] |
June 07 , 2006 |
Splish, Splash - Fish Tycoon debuts for Mac OS |
SAN FRANCISCO,CA – June 07, 2006 – Honey, did you forget to feed the fish?
Last Day of Work is introducing the Mac version of “Fish Tycoon”. Already a hit game on the Windows platform, the game allows players to cross-breed, nurture and grow beautiful exotic fish in a virtual aquarium, as they search for the fabled ‘7 magic fish of Isola’. [Read full press release]
March 16 , 2006 |
Fish Tycoon simulator seeks MAC Bets Testers |
We need some experienced and observant testers for our upcoming Fish Tycoon for MAC. If you are enthusiastic, have a good eye for bugs and typos and have a MAC OSX (or OS10) , go to our support and drop us a note with the following information:-Your name/email, your previous beta testing experience (if any) and something interesting about you. Please note that you need to be over 18 and be willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. [Beta Closed]
Jan 16 , 2006 |
Lehrreiche Aquarium-Simulation jetzt auch in Deutsch verfügbar |
Das Windows-Spiel "Fish Tycoon" verwandelt den Computer in ein virtuelles Aquarium. Hier können die Spieler in Echtzeit Fische füttern, die sich dann im angeschlossenen Shop auch gleich verkaufen lassen. Für viele Eltern ist das der perfekte Test: Sind die eigenen Kinder schon reif für ein eigenes Haustier?[Read full press release] |
2005 |
Nov 16 , 2005 |
Splish, splash – “Fish Tycoon for Windows” debuts |
SAN FRANCISCO – Nov. 16, 2005 – Honey, did you forget to feed the fish?
Last Day of Work is introducing “Fish Tycoon for Windows,” a PC game that simulates the real world of caring for exotic fish by requiring users to feed, nurture and monitor the virtual fish. [Read full press release] [Downlaod Press Kit ] |
Oct 29, 2005 |
Mobile Village names Fish Tycoon as Best Game |
SAN FRANCISCO – October 29, 2005 – LDW Software, a leading provider of real-time simulation games, today announced that it has won the Gold Mobile Star Award from Mobile Village, the 10 year leader in market development and news service about mobile technology.
Oct 10, 2005 |
Fish Tycoon for Windows entered for the2006 IGF competition |
SAN FRANCISCO – October 14, 2005 – After many hard months of work, we made the deadline to enter Fish Tycoon for Windows at the 2006 IGF competititon! The finalists will be announced in december. |
Sept 30 , 2005 |
Village Sim harvests the 2005 Parents Choice Recommend Award |
SAN FRANCISCO – September 30, 2005 – LDW Software, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for Palm OS and Pocket PC devices has received the 2005 Parents' Choice Recommended Award from the Parents' Choice Foundation. [Read full press release]
June 24 , 2005 |
Fish Tycoon hatches the Handango Champion Award for Best Application for Play at the Handango Summit 2005 |
Miami, Florida., Handango Summit, June 24, 2005 – Fish Tycoon has been honored with the Handango Champion Award for Best Application for Play at the fifth annual Handango Partner Summit. Selected from thousands of nominations, the Handango Champion Winners were chosen by a panel of industry experts and media.. [Read full press release] |
May 24 , 2005 |
Village Sim harvests the Palm Powered UP Award for Best Games/Entertainment Solution at the PalmSource Mobile Summit & DevCon 2005 |
SAN JOSE , Calif. , PalmSource Mobile Summit & DevCon, May 24, 2005 – Village Sim has been honored with the Palm Powered Up Award for Best Games/ Entertainment Solution by PalmSource, Inc, provider of Palm OS, at the fifth annual U.S. PalmSource Mobile Summit & DevCon. Selected from thousands of nominations (more than 150% over last year), the Powered UP Award winners were chosen by their peers, fans, PalmSource employes, and licensee partners based upon: Innovation – Popularity – Benefits – Ease of Use – Support. [Read full press release] |
April 11 , 2005 |
Last Day of Work inhabits your Palm OS with Village Sim |
SAN FRANCISCO – April 11th, 2005 – Last Day of Work, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for handheld devices, has released Village Sim for the Palm OS platform. Village Sim, the company’s first product in almost five months, continues the long tradition of life-simulators and true real-time games that continue to play even when the device is turned off. [Read full press release] [Downlaod Press Kit ]
2004 |
Nov 08, 2004 |
Last Day of Work Makes a Splash with Launch of Fish Tycoon for Windows Mobile Handheld Devices |
SAN FRANCISCO — November 8, 2004 — Last Day of Work, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for mobile devices, has ported its Palm OS Fish Tycoon game to the Windows Mobile Pocket PC platform. Fish Tycoon, which recently received the Parents’ Choice Foundation “Recommended” award, offers a real-time game....[Read full press release] [Downlaod Press Kit ] |
Sept 30, 2004 |
Fish Tycoon™ Wins 2004 Parent's Choice Recommended Award |
SAN FRANCISCO — September 30, 2004 — LDW Software, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for Palm OS and Pocket PC devices, has received the 2004 Parents' Choice Recommended Award from the Parents' Choice Foundation. This Award signifies approval and, even beyond that, thorough recommendation for reasons of production, appeal and fulfillment of its clear intent.
[Read full press release] |
Sept 27, 2004 |
LDW Software Launches New Website, New Image |
SAN FRANCISCO — September 26, 2004 — LDW Software, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for Palm OS and Pocket PC devices, including the award-winning Plant Tycoon and the best-selling Fish Tycoon, has reemerged with a new look, a new website, and a new name: “Last Day of Work”. .
[Read full press release] [Downlaod Press Kit ] |
August 16, 2004 |
LDW Software Hatches Fish Tycoon 1.1™ with Tradable Fish |
SAN FRANCISCO — August 16, 2004 — LDW Software, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for Palm OS and Pocket PC devices, has updated its best-selling Fish Tycoon game to allow the trading of fish from one player to another, using the infrared port. [Read full press release] |
July 30, 2004 |
LDW Software Plants its First Seeds in the Windows Mobile Garden with Plant Tycoon Game |
SAN FRANCISCO — August 2, 2004 — LDW Software, a top producer of real-time games and simulations for Palm OS devices, has ported its award-winning Plant Tycoon game to the Windows Mobile software for Pocket PCs platform.
[Read full press release] |
May 21, 2004 |
LDW Software updates Plant Tycoon™ to support all devices with OS 3.5 or later! |
May 03, 2004 |
LDW Software releases Fish Tycoon™ version 1.0 |
San Francisco, CA (May 2004) — LDW Software is proud to announce the release of Fish Tycoon 1.0, a true real-time fish breeding sim game for Palm OS, Tapwave Zodiac, and Sony Clie devices. [Read full press release] |
Feb 18 , 2004 |
Plant Tycoon™ wins PDArcade's Best Simulation Game of 2003! |
Dec 06, 2003 |
LDW Software releases Little Palm Pet™ version 1.3 HI-RES 320x320 |